If you never had driving lessons at night, it's worth taking a couple of driving lessons to get used to driving in the night. Driving instructors will be happy to take you through a night driving course to build your confidence and experience in a safe environment.
Driving conditions are remarkably different in the night time, vision is reduced and it can be more difficult to spot hazards such as bends and junctions and to see vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists.
If you are driving at times when you would usually be asleep then you are in much greater danger of falling asleep behind the wheel.
Road casualty statistics show that 40% of collisions occur in the hours of darkness. If you’re not used to driving at night or have very little mileage under your belt, you’re particularly vulnerable when driving in the dark. With that in mind, it’s essential that you know the risks of night-time driving and how to mitigate them – these driving at night tips are here to help.