English Speaking Driving Instructors in Glasgow

Learning to drive with someone that speaks English is always a plus - it makes explanations clearer and can help with setting driving expectations.

Here is our breakdown for learning to drive in Glasgow with a English speaking instructor.

  • English speaking Glasgow Instructors: 3
  • Average Lesson Price: £26

The number of people in the UK that speak English is 65 Million, that is 100% of the population. All Driving Instructors in the UK must speak fluent English.

With one of the largest populations in the UK, Glasgow has over 596,000 people - more than 15% of the population is part of a minority group.

Driving Instructors


Driving Lessons in Glasgow

[#<InstructorProfile id: 14, first_name: "Barry", last_name: "The Instructor", dob: nil, is_female: false, mobile: "07855567648", adi_number: "123456", car_registration: "SP51EPU", second_car_registration: "", car_make: nil, is_verified: false, user_id: 16, created_at: "2020-10-20 19:33:37.000000000 +0000", updated_at: "2022-04-21 17:07:02.000000000 +0000", adi_cpd: nil, adi_cop: nil, claim_type: "cold", sign_up_step: "complete", started_teaching: "2014-11-01", availibility: "now", about: "I’m a good dood.", profile_picture_file_name: nil, profile_picture_content_type: nil, profile_picture_file_size: nil, profile_picture_updated_at: nil, car_model: nil, car_colour: nil, car_engine: nil, car_transmission: nil, driving_school_name: "BTI SOM", does_allow_bulk_bookings: nil, date_taking_bookings_from: "2020-01-01", number_of_free_referrals: 1, search_weight: 0, package_id: 3, has_reviews: false, review_average: 0.0, availability_token: nil, facebook_url: nil, website_url: nil, registered_address: nil, adi_badge_file_name: nil, adi_badge_content_type: nil, adi_badge_file_size: nil, adi_badge_updated_at: nil, address_line_2: nil, town: "Glasgow", country: nil, postcode: nil, is_popular: false, availability_mornings: 0, availability_afternoons: 0, availability_evenings: 0, availability_weekends: 0, is_instructor_of_the_week: false, latitude: 55.8623, longitude: -4.24749, radius: 0.5e1, search_postcode: "G1 1bx", is_pdi: false, review_count: 0, marked_fully_booked_at: nil, marked_available_booked_at: nil, availability_last_updated_at: nil, is_teaching_key_workers: false, is_deactivated: false, deactivated_at: nil, deactivated_by_user_id: nil, previous_profile_state: nil, deactivate_reason: nil, driving_school_url: nil, is_pending: false, where_did_you_hear_about_us: "ADINJC", text_message_intro: "This is Barry The Instructor. 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I have just accepted your req...", public_token: nil>]